USS Constitution 型

記念艦 the oldest commissioned ship in the Navy
USS Constitution
建造所: Col. George Claghorn,Edmond Harrt's Shipyard,Boston,Mass.
建造費: $302,718 (1797当時)
帆装: 3本マスト 42,710平方フィート.
長さ: 204 feet (62.16m) (billet head to taffrail), 175 feet at waterline (53.32m)
幅: 43.5 feet (13.25m)
Mast height: foremast,198 feet (60.33m), mainmast,220 feet (67.03m), mizzenmast,172.5 feet (52.56m)
排水量: 2,200t
速力: 13kt+
乗員: 450 including 55 Marines、30 boys (1797)
主要兵装: 24ポンドlong guns 32 門, 32ポンドcarronades 20 門, and,24ポンドbow chasers 2 門.
搭載艇: 36-ft. long boat 1隻, 30-ft. cutters 2隻,28-ft. whaleboats 2隻, 28-ft. gig 1隻, 22-ft. jolly boat 2隻, 14-ft. punt. 1隻
錨: main bowers (5300 lbs.) 2, sheet anchor (5400 lbs.) 1, stream anchor (1100 lbs.) 1, kedge anchors (400 〜 700 lbs). 2
就役日: October 21,1797
